Thursday, February 9, 2017


Hello All,

During this week, we convinced with our mentor and started to decide our main colors. When talking with our mentor we discussed, once again, the possibility of a website, and we all agreed that it was a necessity. The reason being, rather than relying on word of mouth a verbal agreement, we could have an electronic record of how much of everything we need. The second reason is this way we would be able to reach more people, rather than just school and community wide, we could reach as far as country-wide. Currently, we creating the first full-fledged draft of our t-shirt design. Originally, we planned to make shirts, dresses, shorts, and maybe even skirts; however, it's looking like realistically we only may be able to make the shirts and maybe t-shirt dresses, which has actually become a more popular style. The only problem we run into with the dress is that the sizes will be weird, and the proportions may not fit. Next week we plan to start creating a website and make more shirt, this time in different colors and come to a conclusion on our theme color. The choices are staying with our blog colors or making them a bit darker with hunter greens and blacks.

-Charlotte and Alyssa


  1. (Grayson) This is such a great idea! Can students at FRA get involved?

  2. (Paige) This is so cool! Have you already started on the website?

  3. Very neat! When will the website be up and running.

  4. This sounds so cool! Is there any reason in particular why you chose hunter green?

  5. (Wakefield)-Did you ever figure out putting shapes in there?

  6. I love this idea and that you guys created a website! How many of the shirts and dresses are you guys planning to make?

  7. love that y'all are talking to your mentor! how often are you keeping up with her?

  8. When do you expect the website to be up?

  9. How long has the website taken so far?
